Thanga Magan ‘s Tamil Nadu theatrical rights were sold to Sri Green Productions and The film was dubbed and released in Telugu as Nava Manmadhudu.ĭhanush fans have welcomed the movie with open hearts, and they are turning theaters to festival grounds. Dhanush and Velraj are returning together to silver screens after the blockbuster hit film Velaiilla Pattadhari. Thanga Magan features Dhanush, Samantha and Amy Jackson in lead roles.
Anbu Chezhiyan under the banners Wunderbar Films and Gopuram Films. Thanga Magan is a comedy drama film written and directed by Velraj, which is produced by Dhanush and G. Dhanush‘s much awaited film Thanga Magan is released all over the world on 18th December, The movie is going to brake the box office collections ever, with over 1000+ screens worldwide which includes 400+ screens in Tamil Nadu.